TSJ is not a specifically Amazigh Studies journal, but it’s a publication that endeavors to place Tamazight and cultural production at the core of Tamazgha Studies. By inviting contributors to engage with original content in Tamazight when possible and accounting for Amazigh sources in their work, the journal seeks to spur more interest in the fast-changing landscape of Maghrebi Studies. Activists, writers, and cultural producers in Tamazight have transformed the public sphere in Tamazghan countries, infusing a new dynamic in literature and thought in this area. Unlike the domination of Arabic and French in the period extending between the 1950s and the early 2000s, the written and visual culture in Tamazgha is now inherently trilingual, with Tamazight occupying a central stage in this change. Instead of simply accounting for this transformation, TSJ invites authors to reflect on its significance for the humanistic and social scientific disciplines from all possible angles. We also invite contributors to submit translations from Tamazight into English that can serve as material for classroom and inclusion of Amazigh Studies in Anglophone curricula.
Guidelines for submissions:
● Original contributions of a maximum of 4000-8000 words exclusively submitted to TSJ.
● Have a clear argument and situate the contribution within the ongoing conversations on Tamazgha
● Account for Amazigh, Arabic and other sources
● Polished translations of literary works from Tamazight into English (The 4000-word limit applies)
● Follow Chicago Manual of Style with footnotes and a bibliography
In addition to individual articles, the journal invites proposals for special issues. Please send a 1000-word proposal, containing a description of the issue and the main argument of the papers to be included.
Submissions should be emailed: tamazghastudiesjournal@gmail.com
Upcoming Issues
Upcoming Issues
Upcoming Issues • 2024 • Upcoming Issues •
CFP Special Issue of Tamazgha Studies Journal
Tamazgha Futures Issue 4 Spring 25
Tamazgha Futures
This special issue explores Tamazgha imaginations of and engagements with the future. Possible essay topics include:
Tamazgha philosophies of time and future
Tamazgha science fiction
Uses of Tamazgha thought, technologies and practice in future-based projects (ex. ecological work related to climate change)
New Tamazgha practices for the future (political, creative, historiographical, scientific etc).
Gender and imagination of the future
CFP Special Issue of Tamazgha Studies Journal
Tamazgha Indigeneities Forthcoming
Tamazgha Indigeneities
This special issue examines conceptions the notion of indigeneity in Tamazgha. We look for articles that break new ground in exploring how the idea of Indigeneity is deployed across the different countries of Tamazgha as well as their dialogues with other indigenous experiences in Africa and beyond. Possible topics include:
Amazigh and other indigeneities
Indigeneity and race
Indigeneity and civil strife
Indigeneity in art and literature
Tamazghan indigeneity in practice
Indigeneity and colonialism in Tamazgha
CFP Special Issue of Tamazgha Studies Journal
Tamazgha Studies Forthcoming
Tamazgha Studies
This special issue is dedicated to defining the contours of “Tamazgha Studies.” We invite proposals that engage with the production of knowledge and define methodologies that can situate the field of Tamazgha Studies vis-à-vis African, North African, and Middle Eastern studies. Possible topics include:
The contours of Tamazgha
Methodologies for Tamazgha Studies
Languages of Tamazgha Studies
Approaches to Tamazgha Studies
Situating Tamazgha Studies
Interdisciplinarity and Tamazgha Studies