Fīs sāwl
AUTHOR: Ali Abdeddine and Adeli Block
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Speak and Shut Up
Mohamed Moustaoui
Translations by Dr. Ali Abdeddine and Adeli Block
They told me to speak; I told them I’m tired of talking
It no longer quenches the thirst of the parched
It waters neither dry bones nor arid lands
Hunger will not end even if I speak until next year
They said talk so that we know what we need from you
I talked bitterly, but they only wanted sweet talk
They said be silent, I told them I want to speak
I told them I will cultivate Edens; they told me to shut up
Thorns will breed thorns
When I am silent, people say, “He doesn’t like anybody.”
But when I speak, people say, “Shut your mouth.”
“Speak and shut up,” a lot of people have said to me
I yearn to speak even if no one desires my words
I want to be silent even before someone tells me to be.
Volume 3 • Issue 1 • Spring 2025
Pages 105-106
Language: English