AUTHOR: Ali Abdeddine and Adeli Block
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Taieb Amgroud
Translations by Dr. Ali Abdeddine and Adeli Block
O world, Iẓnagen have left you
What will remain for us?
When the seeds of art disappear?
Who will advocate for our language to survive?
Aẓnag came to life and he remained thirsty
Oh my villagers, no one helped him
Oh my village, no one saved him
Aẓnag passed away so it’s like we passed away
Whoever has died is gone, so who’s going to build on his legacy?
If those like me and I suffer, die, or get injured
Oh, my villagers, who will miss seeing you?
Let our sleeping camel lie; it will stay there for centuries
Volume 3 • Issue 1 • Spring 2025
Pages 104
Language: English