Table of Contents
Preface: A Musical Tamazgha: Idir’s Contributions to Amazighity
Aomar Boum, Brahim El Guabli and Katarzyna Pieprzak 1-2
Nabil Boudraa, Oregon State University and Karim Ouaras, University of Oran 2/Centre d’Études Maghrébines en Algérie 3-7
1. Recording Lightning: Popular Music and the Amazigh Cultural Movement of the 1970s
Ben Jones, Georgetown University 8-25
2. Musicalizing Indigeneity: Tazenzart as a Locus for Amazigh Indigenous Consciousness
Brahim El Guabli, Williams College 26-45
3. ‘A Vava Inou va’ de Idir: Tissage et Transmission du conte (tamacahut) de la tradition Kabyle
Lyna Ami Ali, Emory University 46-57
4. Between Boston and At Yenni: Two Musical-Cultural Journeys
Jane E. Goodman, Indiana University 58-61
5. Idir in the Amazigh Hinterlands
Paul A. Silverstein, Reed College 62-65
6. Idir and Mammeri: From the Particular to the Universal
Djamel At Ikken/Djamel Amrani 66-72
7. A Folk Artist and His Folk
Ignacio Villalón, Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) 73-76
8. Idir’s Music and the Encounter of Globalism: Hybridity and the Aesthetic of Dissent
Kamel Igoudjil, DCPS, Washington, DC 77-79
9. The Sound of Tenderness in a Hard Time
Diana Wylie, Boston University 80-82
10. Idir Beyond Kabylia
Joseph O. Krause, Emeritus, Oregon State University 83-85
11. My journey with Idir’s Azwaw song
Yazid Djerbib, Independent Scholar 86-89
12. Remembering Idir
Banning Eyre, African Music Producer 90-92
13. Idir: The Warrior’s Rest
Achour Berkaine, Amazigh Activist 93-94
14. Idir, in the Midwest of the US
Alek Baylee Toumi, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point 95-98
15. Interview with Lounis Ait Menguellet
Karim Ouaras & Nabil Boudraa 99-105
16. Tamazight is a Literary Language: Interview with Mohamed Nedali
Brahim El Guabli, Williams College 106-110
17. A Selection of Idir’s songs 111-118
18. A City That Lost its Shadow
Khadija Ikan and Zahra Benlahoussine 119-125
19. Three Poems
Jean Amrouche and Laura Sheahen 126-127
20. Bilingual Poems
Hamid Ouyachi 128-132
Volume 2 • Issue 1 • Spring 2024
Language: English